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For the demo, it seems like sometimes you can see the guard's vision cone fading in, but most times you can't see it at all. Also, might be nice to see which guards still have donuts on 'em without having to clock everybody out again to double check. Other than those lil nitpicks, very very cool stuff, will likely put my 10 into the kickstarter once I've gotten myself more gainfully employed than I am currently.

I wish the demo was a little longer so I could experiment more but what is here looks pretty promising.
Also don't know if I just got lucky but it seems a little on the easier side.

i downloaded the demo, but it wont let me open the application file because my pc detects it as harmful to my system. any way around this?

Y'should just be able to hit the "read more" line right under the prompt at the top, and that'll summon a "run anyway" button at the bottom. Lotta itch games will want you to do that.

Donated~ Hope this reaches the steam goal tho. cant buy off itch XD


If you paid for the tier 1 KS reward I will send you a copy :V 

Sadly do to my finances at the time it was just under tier 1 QwQ

(1 edit) (+1)

Selecting a perk like OTXO, light Stealth like OTXO, Hotline Miami like OTXO.
But with fat stuff.

Yeah I'm down.


I call it "Waistline Miami" :3c


I like FATXO better

Gonna have to toss a bit to the kickstarter after I get paid because this demo is fun

Thank you!

Not playable on ultrawide, and I don't see a way to get it working.

I will look into it! 


any plans for a mac or android port

not right now! 

Big fan of the general game structure, getting a lot of "Rogue-like vibes" from it all together, makes me think that the bust size feature is something that would carry over from level to level.

I really like this lil appetizer gameplay :D I am glad that the Kickstarter was so successful so fast! I will most likely will donate too to support your work as I do really like the wacky concept.

Best wishes for the full release :)

thank you! 

Yooo, hold up, I recognize this game title! This was from a Gain Jam, right?


Yup! I finally got around to finishing the demo! Sorry for the long delay :V 

Hey, if anyone wants to expect alacrity of a creator, they better be paying for it! Personally I'm tired of people haranguing creators who are providing free content. Obviously, it's not black and white, but I tend to see too much of a lean toward the "ungrateful" side.


Agreed! Tho I really wanted to have something to show folks first. Otherwise I would have put out a Kickstarter way earlier!